Slewfoot was MarkMcLaughlin.
He told me his friends called him Mick, and I considered it an honor to
be so regarded.
I first met Mick in 2004, where he was playing pretty much
in the same place you see in this video, on the east bank levy of the Mississippi
River at the corner of the New Orleans French Quarter. He was performing for tips with his
girlfriend and musical partner Cary B.
She can be seen in several of the video stills. I was so impressed that I bought one of his
CDs. Before my next visit there, Katrina
hit and I lost touch with him until 2010.
When we met again, he looked haggard and his voice was
gravelly. I suggested he just play and
not sing. “People won’t tip you if you
don’t sing,” he said. So he continued to
sing his heart out. He died in his sleep
in 2011, and was honored with a second line (jazz funeral) procession lead by
the Treme Brass Band and Uncle Lionel Batiste.
The video is my gift to Mick. I took the studio CD recording and used it to
cradle his weak voice on the levy. Some portions
of the video were re-paced to match the slight variations in cadence between
the video and CD recordings.
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I love this tribute to Slewfoot, thanks a lot.